COOKING APPLIANCES: Haier Europe’s opinion

Jaclyn Paradis, Business Manager Built-In of Haier Europe Italy

“Smart solutions and technological innovation are the core of the strategy shared by all brands of our Group – Jaclyn Paradis, Business Manager Built-In of Haier Europe Italy, explains -. Moreover, the technologies we develop set the target of saving time for our consumers and of offering always professional and customized results. Concerning Candy, the brand has implemented a steam oven connected through Wi-Fi that can be managed with vocal control through app or digital butler. Through the application, it is possible to control the appliance also from remote, to enter a broad list of recipes (over 200, of which 50 dedicated to steam cooking) and to be guided by a virtual assistant in the dish preparation. Through remote control, the user can turn on and heat the oven through the app and benefit from new useful functions, including the alerts that warn when it is necessary to clean the appliance or innovative tools that allow browsing extra contents and suggestions about use modalities.

Candy Smart Steam Wi-Fi can be managed from remote or through vocal control

Hoover, instead, has released H-KEEPHEAT, a connected oven that, besides being controlled from remote and allowing the access to numerous recipes, also permits to cook dishes in professional and innovative manner. In fact, due to the exclusive patented Exever technology, result of years of research and of Hoover collaboration with the University of Parma, it is possible to live a new culinary experience and to conserve dishes in the oven at the service temperature for even 7 days, keeping taste, flavour and tenderness unchanged. With H-KEEPHEAT, you can also cook at low temperature and exploit the innovative vacuum cooking method.

Hoover H-KEEPHEAT 700 oven with Exever technology

Finally, the Chef@Home oven of the Series 4 range by Haier is equipped with full touch screen that activates only when it detects the presence of a person. Exclusive technologies are PreciTaste, which allows monitoring the cooking of one’s own dishes at any time through an internal camera that in real time automatically adjusts cooking setups, and PreciProbe, an innovative thermal probe that enables to measure with utmost precision the inner food temperature”.