Panasonic: new factory for Indoor Air Quality devices in China


Panasonic Corporation announced that Panasonic Ecology Systems (PES) and Panasonic Ecology Systems Guangdong built the First Shunde Branch Plant, a new factory for Indoor Air Quality devices (such as energy recovery ventilator systems and air purifiers) in the Shunde District of the City of Foshan, Guangdong Province, China. This is the second factory in China for this product category. It plans to produce 120,000 energy recovery ventilator systems this fiscal year and aims to produce 200,000 units in FY2023. Over the past several years, with a growing worldwide interest in air quality including air ventilation and sterilization, the demand for ventilation fans, energy recovery ventilator systems, air purifiers, and other relevant products is rising. Although PES has been manufacturing these IAQ-related products at its Shunde Plant in China, it began the construction of the new factory in July 2020 to meet strong demand. The First Shunde Branch Plant is located near the Shunde Plant currently in operation and has three floors with a site area of 51,874 m2 and a gross floor area of 43,304 m2.