Technical consumer goods in Italy: market is still growing but with signs of slowing down

Image by Stefan Schweihofer from Pixabay

After a record 2021, the Italian market of technical consumer goods continues to have a positive trend but we can see the first signs of a slowdown. According to GfK, sales grew by 0.7% and the overall market value reached 6.4 billion euros in the first five months of the year. If we compare these data with the pre-pandemic period, we can still see a strong growth (+18.7%) compared to the same period of 2019. The very positive performance of Consumer Electronics (+30.9%) drives the market. Analyzing the other sectors, the trend is slightly negative for Major Domestic Appliances (-0.5%) and Small Domestic Appliances (-0.8%), while the Telecommunication sector shows a slight growth (+0.7%). Information Technology/Office achieved the most negative results (-14.5%), while the performance of the Photo sector is good (+3.4%). Finally, the Home Comfort is growing strongly (+25.6%): the increase was favored by the high temperatures recorded in May which contributed to the sale of air conditioners (+34.6%).