Stame: sintered mechanical parts


Stame was established in 1977 and during the years the company specialized in producing mechanical parts, of complex geometry and fair or good dimensional precision, through compaction and sintering of metal powders. Nowadays Stame produces parts for various industry sectors, including household appliances. “Stame is deeply interested in scientific and technological innovation – the company explains –. The study and setting up of innovative sintered materials and advanced mechanical solutions, together with costumer’s collaboration in designing, are part of the company philosophy, which are more and more included into planned activities for company development. In order to improve the professional and technical competence of our staff people, Stame encourages them to participate to formation and training activities, P/M (powder metallurgy) seminars and international meetings”.
The company has a large number of presses, up to 4500 kN. Most of them are engineered with up to date multiplaten technologies, which allow the correct assembling and set-up of multi-punches tools. Several compaction presses are suitable to carrying out secondary pressing or sizing operations. “Our sintering furnaces – Stame adds – are also fit for sinterhardening processes and for the correct production of stainless steel up to 1300°C sintering temperature. For finishing treatments and operations Stame disposes of different equipment, such as: furnaces for blueing and steam oxidation, automatic machines for shaping, deburring sand-blasting, oil or resin impregnation. Notably, the resin impregnation equipment, working on a completely automatic cycle, ensures good thickness at fluid pressure and the proper preparation, by pore or blow-hole closure, of parts to be subjected to galvanic processes. All tools are designed and manufactured by CAD – CAM systems inside our modern and well equipped tool-room, which includes also heat treatment equipment to harden dies and punches. To ensure the quality of P/M parts Stame disposes of a wide range of control equipment, such as dimensional measuring devices, profile projectors, precision balances, hardness and microhardness testers, testing benches, and up-to-date metallographic laboratory, equipped with automatic systems for sample preparation, image analysis, carbon analysis”.