Meccanotecnica Umbra: production of mechanical seals with a worldwide presence


Fifty years on from its establishment, Meccanotecnica Umbra is now a global manufacturer of mechanical seals for water pumps, also for the dishwasher market. Since 2001 Mecanotecnica do Brasil has been operating on the South American market and since 2006 MeccanotecnicaUmbra Qingdao PRC has been working on developing the South-East Asian market. In January 2008, the company acquired Swedish company Huhnseal AB, by which the Meccanotecnica Umbra group completed its product range and positioned itself on the market of applications for medium and heavy-duty industrial pumps. “Other strategic operations were undertaken at the beginning of 2010 – the company adds –. MTU Group incorporated its competitor Cyclam North America, thereby creating Meccanotecnica USA. In 2013, it also set up its new Indian manufacturing plant based in Madurai. With these operations, the Group fully spread itself across every continent, not just in terms of its sales network, but also with its production sites”. In the picture, the FR pusher compact seal for the household appliance sector.