Coiltech Deutschland grows and moves to Augsburg


Important novelties for Coiltech Deutschland, the international exhibition for machinery and materials for the production of electric motors, generators, transformers and winding. Anticipating what would happen in the next future, Coiltech has accelerated its move to a new location, Augsburg, larger and able to host the trade fair in more functional manner for visitors and exhibitors on 29th-30th March 2023. The exhibition reality has notably grown and is further developing. It already planned the next steps to host the steeply rising demand in effective way, maintaining the high quality that has always characterized it and satisfied all participants. At present, in fact, the overall exhibition area of Ulm promised to be insufficient to be the venue of all companies that intend to exhibit at Coiltech Deutschland, with the halls rented for 2023 already sold out.
Therefore, this implied the need of moving to a larger exhibition centre by other fairgrounds in the South of Germany. The reasoned choice fell on Augsburg, an easily accessible location for the reference industry in Germany, Austria and Switzerland; well connected to the intercontinental airport of Munich and already a place of positive experiences of other international exhibitions.
Currently, contingent geopolitical events have given a decisive boost to the move. At present, the city of Ulm is using part of the halls of the fairgrounds to house Ukrainian people fleeing the war.
Therefore, in the event this state of emergency persists and there are some difficulties in the coming months in finding alternative spaces to host refugees, so serious difficulties as to prevent the use of halls for exhibition purposes starting from February, Coiltech has promptly prearranged an effective solution to guarantee the carrying out of the trade fair.
This is not the only important novelty of Coiltech 2023: the World Magnetic Conference (WMC), held in conjunction with the exhibition, is enriched by the speech by Prof. Achim Kampker (founder and professor of Production Engineering of E-Mobility Components – PEM at RWTH) who becomes member of the Scientific Committee of the conference. Together with Prof. Marco Villani, who remains president of the World Magnetic Conference, it will be possible to implement a further consolidation in the German language area for this meeting acknowledged to be informed and to dialogue about last sector innovations. The conference is in fact an outstanding opportunity for the players to share research results and to discuss them in industrial and academic context.