Zoppas Industries Group: 180 million euros for sustainability

Gianfranco Zoppas, president of Zoppas Industries Group.

Zoppas Industries Group recently announced that it has signed the first Sustainability-Linked loan agreement with a pool of banking institutions. The loan of 180 million euros will allow the companies of Zoppas Industries Group to have additional financial resources aimed at developing new products, feeding the investment plan and the important sustainability programme. For the first time, the credit lines envisage the presence of specific ESG performance indicators with economic conditions linked to the achievement of specific objectives defined together with the companies of the Zoppas Industries Group. “We are satisfied that the pool, made up of the main banking institutions, has recognized the quantitative and qualitative goodness of our companies on a global level and has decided to support the growth of our Group – said Gianfranco Zoppas, president of Zoppas Industries Group -. It is a duty of all companies to pursue environmental, social and governance sustainability objectives, acting responsibly and ethically to deliver a better world to the future generations”.