A look at Stame’s equipment


Stame specializes in producing mechanical parts, of complex geometry and fair or good dimensional precision, through compaction and sintering of metal powders. The company has a large number of presses, up to 4500 kN. Most of them are engineered with up to date multiplaten technologies, which allow the correct assembling and set-up of multi-punches tools. Several compaction presses are suitable to carrying out secondary pressing or sizing operations. “Our sintering furnaces – the company explains – are also fit for sinterhardening processes and for the correct production of stainless steel up to 1300°C sintering temperature. For finishing treatments and operations Stame disposes of different equipment, such as: furnaces for blueing and steam oxidation, automatic machines for shaping, deburring sand-blasting, oil or resin impregnation. Notably, the resin impregnation equipment, working on a completely automatic cycle, ensures good thickness at fluid pressure and the proper preparation, by pore or blow-hole closure, of parts to be subjected to galvanic processes. All tools are designed and manufactured by CAD – CAM systems inside our modern and well equipped tool-room, which includes also heat treatment equipment to harden dies and punches”. To ensure the quality of P/M parts Stame disposes of a wide range of control equipment, such as dimensional measuring devices, profile projectors, precision balances, hardness and microhardness testers, testing benches, and up-to-date metallographic laboratory, equipped with automatic systems for sample preparation, image analysis, carbon analysis.