LG Electronics recently earned a recognition for its software supply chain security management system, receiving ISO/IEC DIS 18974 certification – the international standard for open source software (OSS) security management systems established by the Linux Foundation’s OpenChain Project. Comprised of a global network of companies, the OpenChain Project is a voluntary consultative body focused on building trust in the OSS supply chain. LG’s software supply chain security management system meets over thirty of the requirements stipulated by the OpenChain Project, including the establishment of internal policies related to OSS security, the periodic updating of security policies and the use of various tools for software security testing. As part of the company’s strategy to upgrade its business portfolio, the company is accelerating its advancement into non-hardware business areas, such as platforms, solutions as well as content and services, by leveraging its accumulated software capabilities and expertise in diverse segments including home appliances, TVs, electric vehicle components and B2B solutions. Additionally, by securing global competitiveness in terms of OSS supply chain security and stability, LG expects to further strengthen overall business competitiveness.