ISSA Pulire 2023: in Milan the première is good

Image of ISSA PULIRE 2023 exhibition

The technological force of an industrial sector, the propensity for innovation and – also – the will of upskilling, through training tools, players’ role and professionalism. These are contents staged at the 26th edition of ISSA PULIRE, the first held in Milano Rho Fairgrounds last May, after a long Verona experience, to mark the start of a new course of growth and internationalization for the exhibition meeting dedicated to professional cleaning and sanitizing.
The confirmation comes from numbers. In three opening days, ISSA PULIRE reached the amount of over 20,000 presences of sector operators for 373 exhibitors (of which 104 new) coming from 21 Countries. The global vision of the exhibition concept, together with the opportunities offered by the Milanese fairgrounds, first of all for accessibility and infrastructures, has made the difference, scoring the return to ISSA PULIRE 2023 of foreign players, who reached over 33% of presences. Overall, 107 Countries visited the fair trade, including also the provenience nations of the 24 buyers selected by ICE Agency, which has organized the participation of foreign delegations coming from USA, Egypt, Morocco, South Africa, Kenya and Ghana. To favour the internationalisation of the Made in Italy, ICE AGENCY also presented a market survey in the field of cleaning services in Egypt, Morocco, South Africa, Thailand and Malaysia. In terms of participations, an important contribution was also provided by the simultaneity of the exhibition event with the other three exhibitions held contemporaneously with ISSA PULIRE: Tuttofood, Made in Steel and Lamiera. A bet won in the opinion of Toni D’Andrea, managing director of ISSA PULIRE Network. “We were sure the move to Milan could share in making the exhibition grow, and it happened. The enthusiasm and the satisfaction expressed by exhibitors are the proof that this brave choice is reaping the desired fruits. This edition determines the start of a new course that begins precisely with this edition and aims at the implementation of a project of higher and higher integration, of internationalization and growth”. No industrial development can take place if in-depth analyses of the entrepreneurial culture, the innovation and players’ training are missing. The exhibition offer was completed by the rich convention programme of ISSA PULIRE Lab, where over 100 speakers have delivered their important contribution for the professional training and divulgation, dealing with issues concerning new problems, procedures and processes in sensitive and increasingly central sectors for the professional cleaning and sanitizing such as health, catering and hospitality.
Focus on innovation with the Award Product of the Year ISSA PULIRE 2023 and Hackathon–Smart Facility: cleaning connected with the future. The third edition of the prize Product of the year, which boosts the research and the innovation in the various field sectors, ended with the ex aequo prizegiving for XIBU 2WIPE hybrid by Hagleitner Hygiene International GmbH and DRC300Z HEPA – Cordless Robot Cleaner by Makita SpA. XIBU 2WIPE hybrid, by Hagleitner Hygiene International GmbH, is the first hybrid dispenser for wet wipes in the world with patented recharge system and a reliable protection against contamination and drying. DRC300Z HEPA – Cordless Robot Cleaner 18V, by Makita SpA, is a vacuum-cleaner robot equipped with a camera sensor to map the areas to be cleaned, it can remember up to 5 rooms and even 10,000 square meters. Among the finalists selected by the international jury stand out also BUBBLEFLUSH Ultrasonic Toilet Cleaner by C.A-L. ITALIA SRL, Envu Digital Pest Management by ENVU, R3 SCRUB by LIONSBOT.

The delivery of Hackathon ISSA PULIRE awards to the first and the second place in the ranking

Universities were protagonists of the first edition of Hackathon ISSA PULIRE with the participation of nine teams of university students, who were asked to develop an innovative idea involving digital media, to share in the attainment of ESG goals through the work carried out by cleaning operators. The victory was won by the team sponsored by Papernet, made up by students of the Faculty of Mathematical Engineering and Managerial Engineering of Milan Polytechnics, who submitted a project that matches nature and technology. The second place went to the team sponsored by Vileda Professional, composed by female students of the Product Service System Design Faculty of Milan Polytechnics. Finally, an important award was also given to the entrepreneurship with the ISSA Distinguished Industry Award, promoted to acknowledge the activities carried out by sector companies in spreading the cleaning culture. The prize was won by I.C.E. FOR, leading chemical company in the sector based in Magenta (MI), for the excellent results obtained in its pluri-decennial activity as manufacturer and supplier of chemical products for professional cleaning and for having contributed in spreading the values of solidarity, sustainability and legality with corporate initiatives of great efficacy.