TI.EMME.TI holds a reference role in the manufacturing of extruded products and monotubes for ironing systems, components for the steam transport, extruded hoses and profiles made of EPDM, and especially of silicone, today increasingly prevalent core business.
Six millions of turnover, slightly less than thirty employees approximately, 6,000 square metres of production surface and almost thirty years of history. We are referring to TI.EMME.TI, born in 1994 as craft finishing and wiring company, which soon succeeded in enlarging its competences, specializing also in the machining of monotubes for the industry of irons with separate steam generator. A growth that scores new developments in the successive decade. In 2004 the owners in fact take over all plants for the production of monotubes and relative complementary items (rubber extrusion line, braiders) from Tessilgomma Srl, benchmark reality in the production of solutions for irons with separate boiler, continuing and boosting the activity. Another decisive step takes place in 2008, when TI.EMME.TI moves the production to a new factory, buying a silicone extrusion line to complete the product range and starting the course for the certification of its own Quality System according to ISO 9001 regulation. «At the end of 2017 – remembers Franco Tenuta, company’s owner and legal representative – we also accomplished the takeover of Michielin Srl, company known in the sector and specialized in the extrusion of silicone, setting up Nuova Michielin Srl and so strengthening the company’s ranking on the market of extruded products». In the 2019-2021 triennium, TI.EMME.TI invests again in plants, increasing its manufacturing capacity and more and more specializing in the silicone sector, today the prevailing core business of the company. «In January 2021 – Tenuta adds and specifies – Nuova Michielin is incorporated by merger into TI.EMME.TI and the two factories are unified, moving the production to current Settala headquarters, in the outskirts of Milan, at the end of August of the same year».

At customers’ side, from the design to the finished product
Therefore, the historical production of components for the steam transport (bare and coated rubber extruded hoses, wired electric cables), is completed by TI.EMME.TI with a more and more specialized activity of silicone item production along the years, from the simple hose (bar or coated) to the profile on design (made to customer specifications) cut to size or ring-jointed to make gaskets intended for the most varied applications. With these prerogatives, the company can take care of customers, in the course of technical product design, providing support due to its deep all-round expertise.
«All necessary equipment for the production of silicone items – Tenuta underlines – as well as the raw material, that is to say the silicone compound, are in-house manufactured, to grant utmost flexibility and the best possible control on the manufacturing process».
However, also the attention to innovation has played a fundamental role in TI.EMME.TI corporate policy.

«Simultaneously with the move to the new manufacturing site – Tenuta confirms – we started a substantial transformation of the internal organization that is leading the company to increasingly digitalize and computerise the process management, also through the purchase of new 4.0 machinery. The goal is achieving ever-rising flexibility and a better control of manufacturing processes, in order to offer the best possible service to customers».

High-quality products for the consumer and professional sector
The monotubes and rubber hoses for the steam flow made available by TI.EMME-TI find their typical application in both the sector of consumer irons and of professional cleaning machines, needing high performances and reliability. Silicone products (tubes and profiles) are instead used in the most varied sectors, due to their nature. To mention just some of them: automotive, shipbuilding, medical, food, lighting (outdoor and design), thermal-hydraulic and electric. Thanks to its expertise and the great attention paid to customers, the company goes on representing a reference reality in the market of the manufacturing of products for the steam passage, also in European ambit, where it supplies some of the most renowned brands in the steam cleaning industry, besides leader Italian OEM in the lighting industry.
«The huge investments made in machinery in the last year and still in course in 2023 – Tenuta adds – will allow us to be more and more competitive in the implementation of technical silicone items, facilitating the penetration into some markets to date scarcely exploited, like the one of jointed gaskets for containers and of accessories for the electric sector. The challenge consists in succeeding in intercepting the demand deriving from the reshoring of some productions from Far East, owing to the crisis of transports and of the availability of materials that has struck the silicone sector since September 2021, too».
In the medium term, the target pursued is increasingly consolidating our ranking on the market through the purchase of new useful machines/technologies/productions for the manufacturing of complementary products for the primary reference sectors, to fidelize customers by meeting manifold requirements.

More automation to be competitive in international markets, too
UNI EN ISO 9001-certified already in 2008, TI.EMME.TI confirms its propensity for supplying high-quality products and granting an efficient service, due to the capability of deploying correction and prevention strategies aimed at assuring products’ constant conformity, always researching new technical solutions. In this context, due to the know-how gained with the corporate takeover carried out in 2018, today TI.EMME.TI plays a reference role in the Italian market also for the production of cold-jointed silicone gaskets, which find their main applications, among others, in the outdoor lighting sector as well as in the field of household appliances and in the one of food containers.
«It is a specialized product – Tenuta ends – in which our company can combine the extremely competitive cost with a high quality of materials and of the manufacturing process. The product requisites are a minimum aesthetical impact in the junction point combined with a high tensile strength. Our target for the current year consists in fully automating the junction process while maintaining the current qualitative standards, to compete with the major European players and to become a reference reality on a world scale, too».