Bertazzoni is officially “Historic Company of Italy”


Bertazzoni has been officially included in the Register of Italian Historic Companies, realized by Unioncamere, which recognizes the entrepreneurial activities that have been able to transmit their heritage of skills and knowledge to subsequent generations, as well as the founding values of “doing business”. The Made in Italy company, which has been producing kitchen appliances since 1882, thus reaches a new important milestone. “We are proud to be present in this prestigious national body, which brings together the historic companies of our country and attests to our contribution to the Italian entrepreneurial and social fabric for over a century – declares CEO Paolo Bertazzoni -. Our roots lie in the traditions of the Italian family and there is a strong commitment to passing on from generation to generation what we have learned and created, together with the founding values of Bertazzoni. This is combined with a profound sense of responsibility towards the territory and present and future generations”. Bertazzoni exports to over 60 countries around the world, generating over 90% of its turnover abroad. The company, whose production plant is located in Italy, produces 200,000 pieces a year and closed 2022 with a turnover of 121 million euros. After entering the Chinese market in 2021, Bertazzoni inaugurated a branch in the USA this year for a total of seven branches worldwide.