Innovation according to E.GO


E.GO boasts a wide know-how in the applied technology for the production of electric motors. The company offers needle winding technology and flyer winding technology for brushless electric motors, needle and flyer winding technology for universal electric motors, needle winding technology for open stators, assembly technologies, and winding technology for special electric motors. E.GO focuses on innovation but what does innovation mean for the company? “For us –E.GO explains – research and innovation have always meant making the most of the vast know-how of our internal resources. Engaging our personnel, investing on intellectual capital, a precious patrimony of technical and management competencies. All of this is our know-how and represents our added value. To give this wealth of knowledge the value it deserves, E.GO has created a vast archive, a virtual library, with the objective of creating an internal memory, not only to avoid dispersing our ‘knowledge’ externally, but also to ensure that it is divulged internally so that every department involved – sales, technical or production – may immediately pool the best solutions or information, and thus is capable of both working autonomously and interacting as a team. This gives E.GO a competitive edge, and at the same time allows for extremely reliable industrial management”. From the design to the development of prototypes, up to product engineering: the E.GO technical team is focused on experimenting new mechatronic solutions, some of which are patented. All this “alongside the study and evolution of historical projects – the company says – thanks to an ongoing collaboration with pillars that have written the history of automatic machines for electric motors”. Besides, E.GO is able to create solutions that are tailored to the end user. “The reliability of our machines, in terms of efficiency and productivity levels maintained over time, is well acknowledged by our customers, who have become ‘historical’ – the company adds –. Over the years, the precision we put into the engineering, the creation of mechanical parts and the electronics and software, right up to the final testing, have confirmed that this is our strong point and a resource for everybody, first and foremost for our customers”.