Bosch teams up with Al.ta Cucina


On the occasion of Grandparents’ Day, which is celebrated on October 2nd, Bosch teams up with Al.ta Cucina, the social network specifically designed for food lovers, to create the “Save The Nonna” project, aimed at narrating and preserving the culinary knowledge of the older generation through household appliances. “With the support of the NonnaLive collective from Palombara Sabina, they selected cheerful grandmothers who were willing to cook in front of the cameras – the company says –. Depositaries of ancient knowledge from all over Italy who, through their kneading machines, their ovens, their blenders, felt the need to ‘save’ the traditional recipes of their ancestors. For example, fried calzone, mussels au gratin and many others. The project involved more than 3.5 million users who shared their own personal experiences with their grandmothers and took part in fun quizzes focused precisely on the tips and tricks shared by the grandmothers which were protagonists of the project”. All the video recipes are available in the new Bosch recipe hub, a dedicated brand page, and within the Al.ta Cucina web & app platform.