New TV commercial on LG InstaView refrigerators


The new commercial dedicated to the LG InstaView side-by-side refrigerators will be broadcast in Italy until November 4th (on the main national generalist, digital and satellite TV channels). The communication campaign, which will also be declined on digital and social platforms, is focused on the concept “LG InstaView: the refrigerator made to look inside” and tells in a fun way the peculiarity of this product which allows, with two simple touches of the hand on the darkened glass panel, to look inside the refrigerator without having to open it, thus avoiding dispersing cold air. “We are back in communication with a TV commercial with an ironic and fresh language, in line with the new brand identity that we announced this spring – declared Daniela Tomeo, Home Appliances Marketing Manager -. This campaign represents a further piece of a broader communication project which will include new opportunities for visibility in the coming months to support the brand and the entire supply chain”.