More incentives to enhance the value of catering

From left: Roberto Calugi, Tullio Patassini, Gianluca Caramanna, Andrea Rossi, Benedetta Brioschi

From Efcem Italy the “Made in Italy Catering Manifesto” for the development of the sector, benefiting the extended supply chain from agribusiness to HoReCa

Article by Olivia Rabbi

Italy is the first country in the world for the presence of national restaurants in the world’s main metropolises, and also the first food and wine destination in the world: 29.3% of foreign tourists define agrifood production and culinary tradition as a reason for the country’s attractiveness. But incentives and targeted policies are needed for the enhancement of an extended supply chain, ranging from catering and hospitality to agribusiness.

This is the message that comes from the study «The Catering Supply Chain in Italy: the value and role for Made in Italy – The contribution of professional equipment», carried out on the initiative of APPLiA Italia and Efcem Italia in collaboration with The European House – Ambrosetti, presented in Rome at the Chamber of Deputies with the participation of Andrea Rossi (president Efcem Italia), Benedetta Brioschi (Partner Head of Food & Retail at The European House-Ambrosetti), Hon. Gianluca Caramanna (group leader X Commission for Productive Activities, Commerce and Tourism), Tullio Patassini (deputy in the last legislature, participated in the work bringing greetings from Hon. Alberto Gusmeroli) and Roberto Calugi (general manager Fipe Confcommercio).

As Andrea Rossi commented, «the study has identified, for the first time ever, the components of Italian-ness in the various compartments that make up the ‘extended supply chain of catering,’ seeking to substantiate their relevance at the economic-strategic level for the country system Italy, including also some proposals for concrete support to this supply chain».

Professional equipment represents a key element for this development path and more generally for the Italian industry. Data in hand, according to Benedetta Brioschi, «the extended catering supply chain represents a key asset of the national economy with more than 120 billion in turnover and more than 50 billion in added value, developed by 392,000 companies with 1.9 million employees and self-employed».

‘The Made in Italy Catering Manifesto’

But we need an extra gear and a clear path in terms of content and objectives. Starting from the premise of promoting the growth of the catering supply chain and all the productive segments of excellence that make it up, starting with that of professional equipment, explained the Efcem Italia president, «we therefore created ‘The Made in Italy Catering Manifesto’, where we tried to emphasize the need to enhance the professional catering equipment sector as part of the promotion of Made in Italy. Not only that, it is also important to enhance the skills and health protection of operators, passing also through a better work-life balance, which is undoubtedly a key element especially after the pandemic. In addition, if we want to make the supply chain more competitive and productive, it is desirable to outline a training plan for hotel schools and industry technicians on technological innovations in professional equipment».

The manifesto is intended to be a starting point to stimulate, over time, the collection of further proposals and needs from the various compartments that make up the supply chain, with constant updating, for a sector that is confirmed as a driving force for the Italian economy with an export capacity that exceeds 70%.

The ultimate goal, in addition to a common and representative positioning of the entire supply chain, is also to put the strategic nature of the professional equipment sector at the center of the political agenda and public opinion, also and especially for its innovation potential. Support for increasing the energy efficiency of equipment resulting in energy savings on a national scale – considering that the average age of professional equipment to date is about 7.7 years and has grown by +10.6% compared to 10 years ago – combined with greater recognition of the sector as a key element in the creation of the Made in Italy image and the development of communication activities that ensure the recognition and authority of professional equipment produced in Italy, are according to Efcem Italia some of the pillars on which national policies should move. Added to this are technological innovation, artificial intelligence and training, which will drive the development of the sector in the coming years. Digitalization of the entire foodservice supply chain, from product collection to table service, will be the key to optimizing the entire process and making it more efficient and profitable, with spin-offs on more effective management of the food itself by reducing waste and increasing the sustainability of the supply chain.