Samsung Trend Radar: also the household appliances among the sources of well-being


Samsung Trend Radar (realized in collaboration with Human Highway) shows how technology is generally seen by consumers as a facilitator for achieving well-being. This is also true in the kitchen: for 38% of the sample it is important to count on appliances that optimize the recipe preparation times and favor practicality, while 32% appreciate having useful information for a more conscious diet and 27% use healthier cooking methods thanks to new generation appliances.
Considering the different age groups, the most popular features are: information for a better diet for 39% of Boomers, followed by Gen Z (34%), Generation X (32%) and Millennials (29%); healthy cooking methods for 34% of Boomers, 28% of Generation X, 25% of Gen Z and 24% of Millennials; optimal food preservation (33% Gen Z, 31% Boomers, 23% Generation X, 26% Millennials); and creating personalized meal plans for 25% of Millennials, 16% of Gen Z and Gen X, and 14% of Boomers. Moving from the kitchen to the well-being linked to the home cleaning, for 52% of those interviewed it is important to have efficient appliances in terms of energy consumption. Having more functional and intuitive appliances (44%) and having devices that can be activated remotely (35%) follow in importance. Finally, looking at the ranking of the household appliances considered most useful for generating well-being, the washing machine comes in first place (48%), followed by refrigerator (38%) and dishwasher (28%).