ECOEM Consortium: +49% of household WEEE managed in 2024

Luca Fasolino, General Manager of ECOEM Consortium

Luca Fasolino, General Manager of ECOEM Consortium, commented the results of the data collected by the Consortium in 2024 on the management of WEEE throughout Italy: «It has been a very important year of growth for ECOEM, with increasing rates in all the groupings in which we operate. Although our country is in a phase of apparent calm, these results demonstrate the Consortium’s excellent work in the collection of WEEE. We hope that the legislative simplifications will give more support to the market and that the new communication provisions will really reinforce and share the concept that WEEE collection and the subject of raw material recycling remains a strategic activity for our country and the environment in which we live».

The 2024 Collection figures

In 2024 the ECOEM Consortium managed over 8,640 tonnes of WEEE throughout Italy, an increase of 49% compared to the results of 2023 (5,740 tonnes), values that were achieved by carrying out over 6,000 collection requests at the Collection Facilities scattered throughout Italy. Specifically, all the Groupings show a positive result, the world of small household appliances in Grouping R4, which to date represents the largest category for ECOEM, registers a significant increase (more than 1,980 tonnes, an increase of 44% compared to 2023). The collection of the ‘heaviest’ WEEE, i.e. that which contains high quantities of recoverable raw materials, also rose: Grouping R1 (cold and climate) exceeded 787 tonnes collected (+27%), while Grouping R2 (large household appliances) totalled more than 497 tonnes. This is followed by Grouping R3 (TVs and monitors) with about 748 tonnes, an increase of 64% compared to 2023, and lastly Grouping R5 (light sources), which stands at 72 tonnes (+36%) compared to the previous year.  The number of Pick-up Points managed across the country also increased, rising from 717 in 2023 to 1,116 in 2024 (a considerable increase in logistics activities +55% compared to last year).

 «The collection targets», Luca Fasolino continues, «that we had set for 2024 have been amply exceeded, demonstrating a strong organisational capacity that has adapted well to a considerable increase in volumes. However, our utmost attention remains on the national scenario, as we are aware that the commitment must be constant and even greater in order to reach the targets set by Europe, which are unfortunately still far from reality».