Good exports and turnover in the PRO sector


The professional equipment sector recorded growth in turnover and exports in 2024. And thanks to an enlarged catering supply chain spirit, it is aiming for a central role in Made in Italy

Article by Olivia Rabbi

The professional equipment industry sees a positive outlook for the coming months, thanks to a growth in turnover and exports in 2024. And to an enlarged catering supply chain spirit that allows the world of PRO equipment to assume a central role in the more general Made in Italy. This was recently highlighted by Efcem Italia, the Confindustria association of catering equipment manufacturers, underlining how the sector has shown significant resilience in the last two years with positive growth prospects for 2025.

Andrea Rossi, Efcem Italia President

«The 2024 figures», stressed Efcem Italia president Andrea Rossi, «show a growth in turnover and exports, with levels respectively 20% and 30% higher compared to the pre-pandemic period. Despite the uncertainties linked to the international economic situation and geopolitical tensions, the sentiment of operators remains positive, with the first quarter of 2025 geared towards growth. Companies in the sector are responding with innovation, expanding product offerings and strengthening commercial activities».

Positive expectations for the sector

The professional appliance sector has weathered the complex period of the last two years with positive results, with turnover and export growth in 2023 and 2024, economic-financial conditions at excellent levels even when compared to European peers in the sector. The sentiment of operators for the first quarter of 2025 is marked by cautious optimism, with the majority of companies expressing forecasts of growth in their turnovers, while even the overall evaluations for the current year, although disrupted by various negative factors (international economic situation, the German crisis, geopolitical tensions), confirm forecasts of growth in sector turnover.

Going into more detail, after the slight drop shown in 2023 (-1.5%), in 2024 the sector’s turnover is expected to grow by 4.5 percentage points in euro values (estimate based on the Efcem Italia survey), at levels more than 20% higher than in 2019. In 2024, the sector’s exports, albeit in a disrupted environment, were able to show a new growth of 2.6%, on values more than 34 percentage points above the pre-pandemic levels (elaboration on Istat data). Some more information comes from observing the trend for the different product segments. Again according to Efcem Italia, on the basis of Istat data processed at the end of 2024, the largest increases in Italian exports concerned the Refrigeration (+4.9%, equal to +105 M€), Cooking and Heating (+7%, equal to +46 M€), Textile Washing and Treatment (+8.3%, equal to +43 M€), and Dishwashing (+8.5%, equal to +23 M€) segments.

A further insight into industry trends is offered by the survey conducted by Efcem Italia in cooperation with Sigep World-Italian Exhibition Group and StudiaBo, which broadens the view to the European context. The survey analysed the balance sheets of around 300 European companies in the professional catering and hospitality equipment sector in the period 2019-2023. Once again, the sector showed economic-financial indicators that in 2023 were equal to or higher than pre-pandemic levels; interestingly, Efcem Italia points out, Italian companies, compared to continental players, stand out positively for optimal margins and self-financing, demonstrating considerable efficiency in the use of capital. In fact, a comparison of the economic-financial performance of the most recent period shows a good positioning for Italian companies in the sector compared to their European peers: high (double-digit) levels of margins, profitability and self-financing.

In view of these results, what are the expectations and feelings of operators in the sector for the coming months? According to the survey conducted in January 2025 by Efcem Italia, the sentiment of operators in the sector, although marked by caution, appears favourable. Evaluations on the expected evolution of turnover in the first quarter of 2025 show a prevailing orientation towards growth. Assessments on the expected evolution of the current year compared to 2024 show a significant majority (77% of respondents) expecting growth, even significant growth; 46% expect growth of 10% or more.

More generally, emphasises Efcem Italy, all manufacturers share the complexity of the moment, to which they are reacting both on the product offer front with the launch of new ranges, and by aiming to broaden the scope of their commercial activities. In particular, the German crisis is causing concern, although a certain optimism prevails for the second half of the year. As far as the Russian-Ukrainian crisis is concerned, the various glimmers of a solution are being followed by the sector with particular attention.

Supply chain work

The strategic role of the extended catering supply chain, within the broader framework of Made in Italy, can increasingly make a difference on the Italian and international scene. This aspect was highlighted by the numbers that emerged from the study conducted by Efcem Italia with The European House-Ambrosetti on the importance of the extended catering supply chain, a sector that generates over 120 billion euros in turnover and over 50 billion in added value, involving 392 thousand companies and 1.9 million employees. Made in Italy, with a value of over 660 billion euros in turnover and almost 450 billion in exports, includes a wide range of products of excellence, including professional catering equipment, which is fundamental for the enhancement of the Italian gastronomic tradition.

Efcem Italia has also contributed to the Green Book for a new industrial policy strategy, promoted by the Ministry of Enterprise and Made in Italy (Mimit), bringing its contribution to the innovation of professional equipment through investments in energy efficiency, sustainability and new technologies, reduction of water and energy consumption, and recyclable materials.

As part of the Made in Italy Day, on 16 April, EFCEM Italia promoted in collaboration with the University of Gastronomic Sciences in Pollenzo (Bra, Cuneo) the event l’evento “La filiera estesa della ristorazione: un’eccellenza del Made in Italy”.

Ad hoc strategies

There are three strategic areas that Efcem Italy identifies to facilitate the strengthening of the sector. The first concerns sustainability, with the promotion of advanced energy performance and the renewal of obsolete equipment, through voluntary energy classification labelling, and a plan for the modernisation of professional kitchens. The second strategic area is dedicated to training operators with the technical skills to make the most of the latest generation of solutions. The creation of programmes dedicated to hotel schools and technicians in the sector to encourage the adoption of innovative technologies and guarantee high standards of safety and quality aims at this objective. Last but not least, legislation based on continuous dialogue with European and national institutions to safeguard the competitiveness of the sector; as demonstrated by the commitment in the derogation to the European Regulation on fluorinated gases (F-Gas) that has guaranteed the continuity of production of Italian companies.


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