Electronics on show at Mecspe


The innovation of production processes and of machining, materials and state-of-the-art technologies will be the protagonists of the next edition of MECSPE, the international exhibition of innovation technologies that will take place in Parma from 17th to 19th March 2016. Inside the 9 thematic Halls strictly connected one another – providing exhibitors with the opportunity of showing the innovative value of their offer and of establishing important business relations- it will be possible to observe, to see from close up and to analyse the complete manufacturing process of a good, from its design phase to the definitive ready-to-use object. The 2016 edition of MECSPE, reference meeting for the Italian manufacturing industry, is completed by new initiatives aimed at making even more synergistic and active the course of visitors, companies and exhibitors. Among them, the Electronics & Innovation Square, which will propose the most advanced electronic technologies. La Sapienza University in Rome will present the best works of its researchers, providing a vision of the future in which the most sophisticated electronics joins medicine, biology, engineering and all aspects of daily life. Forefront hardware solutions that can be adapted to several vertical markets will be instead protagonist with Eurotech, while the National Instruments will be on show with examples of instruments and methodologies to face the most complex technical and engineering challenges. STMicroelectronics will showcase instead the latest proposals concerning base technologies and the components for smart and efficient products and solutions from the energy consumption point of view, giving birth to electronic applications of daily use.