Ardemagni within DITH and CSC


Strength of Ardemagni, steel service center located in Italy, is the long-term relationship with the Duferco and CSC groups. Duferco International Trading Holdings (DITH) is an important independent trader of steel and raw materials used in steelmaking. Established in 1979, DITH has grown successfully by implementing a strategy based on strategic joint ventures and an integrated business model where the trading, distribution, and production activities are complimented by a division of value-added services, including shipping and logistics, down-stream processing and financial structuring. “The relationship with Duferco is strategic for Ardemagni mainly for the following reasons: access to new markets through its distribution network, just in time supply based on large available stock, and financial support”, Ardemagni explains. Besides, China Steel Corporation (CSC), established in December 1971, started its production in December 1977. The major products include steel plates, steel bars, wire rods, hot-rolled coils, cold-rolled coils, coated coils, electrical steel coils and electro-galvanized coils. “The strategic alliance with CSC Group represents for Ardemagni the key to value creation in the downstream operations – Ardemagni says –. In particular, the advantages are the following: supply side security of consistent volumes and access to high quality material, benefit from continuous CSC technical development, and tailored technical support to customers”. Founded in 1946, Ardemagni focuses on distribution of NGO and GO Electrical Steel in Italy and Europe, supplying slit strips from in-house stock on a JIT basis. Since 2010 Ardemagni has become the European service center of CSC, responsible for the distribution of CSC Electrical Steel in the European market.