Optime: alarm for the counterfeit electronic products

Davide Rossi, President of Optime Federation.

Optime (Permanent observatory for the electronics market protection in Italy) launches the alarm for the counterfeit electronic products. Over 25% of the counterfeit products in the world are electronic devices and phones: they are not only luxury products because the phenomenon concerns all product categories. “The counterfeit goods market in Italy is worth 6.9 billion euro – explains Davide Rossi, President of Optime Federation, citing a Censis report of 2017 realized for the Ministry of Economic Development -. Producing and marketing the same products in the circuits of the legal economy would result in 100,000 more job units. Without counterfeiting, the domestic production would record an increase of 18.6 billion euros, with an added value of 6.7 billion (a value almost equal, for example, to that generated by the entire metallurgical industry). The emerging of the counterfeiting would also mean an increase in the tax revenue, considering direct taxes (on companies and work) and indirect taxes (VAT), because today the counterfeit goods market subtracts 1.7 billion euros to the tax authorities”. The e-commerce allows freedom of action to the criminality due to the difficulty of control by the competent authorities: in the electronics sector the phenomenon mainly concerns accessories and components. Focused control actions are needed: for this reason Optime collaborates with the control bodies to highlight the illegal phenomena. “We don’t just observe and study the phenomena of illegality found in the market – Rossi says – but, in the presence of certain and concordant elements, we present alerts and possibly we lodge complaints to the competent authorities and the magistracy”.