Ecolight: 24,500 tons of electronic waste collected in 2017

Walter Camarda, president of Ecolight

According to the Social Report, Ecolight (Italian consortium for the management of WEEE and spent batteries) collected almost 24,500 tons of electronic waste in 2017 (+6% compared to the previous year). The consortium worked to give substance to the principles of the circular economy: “we wanted to dedicate our annual Social Report to the circular economy – said the president of Ecolight, Walter Camarda -. Through the document that summarizes all the activities carried out by the consortium last year, we wanted to highlight the contribution that Ecolight has given, and that each can give, so that the principles of waste reduction and increase of recovery shares can effectively contribute to creating a new, more environmentally friendly and future-oriented society”. Of the 24,500 tons of WEEE managed, more than 16,000 tons are small domestic appliances, tablets, smartphones and consumer electronics devices that no longer work; almost 800 tons are energy-saving light bulbs and neon. “The consortium’s commitment wasn’t only in the collection phase, but also involved the e-waste treatment – commented the general director of Ecolight, Giancarlo Dezio -. Through a network of selected plants, we have reached a recycling rate of WEEE equal to more than 96% in relation to their weight, with over 11,000 tons of metals and more than 6,000 tons of plastics”. Overall Ecolight has collected various types of electronic waste (refrigerators, televisions, washing machines, smartphones and light sources) as well as exhausted portable batteries. The action included three areas: first, within the WEEE Coordination Center system. Providing the service to the 3,478 assigned collection points, the consortium collected over 24,400 tons of WEEE by making 22,265 missions (+7% compared to 2016) in the ecological islands. In addition, Ecolight has provided a specific service dedicated to the retailers, directly serving 2,830 stores and collecting over 660 tons of WEEE. Finally, great attention was paid to the companies by enhancing the professional service for the management of waste generated by these realities.