Faber wins the Innovation Award


Faber won the Innovation Award at SMAU Milan, an event dedicated to the innovation and the digital world. The company was awarded for J-Project, the open source hood. This product represents the state of the art of Faber technology: it is a really vertical hood that, thanks to the new Nautilus diffuser with very small dimensions, reaches high performances in the energy efficiency, bringing in A class the products that would normally be in C class. The hardware architecture – the heart of the hood – is fully integrable with the Arduino platform and therefore it is totally open source. Thanks to this platform, the user can cook and, at the same time, he can control the domestic pollution or the carbon monoxide levels in the home, adjust the humidity, read news from the Internet or a video recipe, etc. The hood integrates a Smart Citizen Kit (SCK) module, equipped with different sensors (temperature, humidity, light, sound, carbon monoxide, nitrogen dioxide), and the available Wi-Fi networks. J-Project has a large smart display that can show the information collected by the sensors and also tweets, news, and images from external devices. Besides, Faber Tech’s engineers have developed the Software Development Kit (SDK), which allows the users’ community to do modifications in order to meet any need. “J-Project is the first tangible application of the IoT, the Internet of Things and Robotics, in the world of the cooker hoods”, said Andrea Coccia, Faber’s Appliances Innovation Manager. “Faber, pioneer brand within this product segment, developed it with the collaboration of five young engineers of the Faber Tech team, who have integrated open source software, smart technologies, robotic engineering and industry-leading know-how”, added Coccia.