Whirlpool: Margaret Graham receives the STEP Ahead Award


The Manufacturing Institute, the workforce development and education partner of the National Association of Manufacturers, will recognize Margaret Graham of Whirlpool Corporation’s Findlay, Ohio plant with a STEP Ahead Award in the Emerging Leader category. The STEP Ahead Awards honor women who have demonstrated excellence and leadership in their careers, and represent all levels of the manufacturing industry from the factory floor to the C-suite. “Margaret Graham is a gifted leader who engages all those she comes into contact with – said Kristin Day, Whirlpool Corporation’s Findlay plant lead -. Colleagues, from senior leaders to shop floor team members, lean on her problem-solving skills, her integrity, dedication, and passionate commitment to the company and to the community”. “It’s such an honor to be recognized with this prestigious award – commented Graham -. I never would have thought I’d be receiving this honor back when I first joined Whirlpool Corporation as an intern in the Manufacturing Leadership Development Program five years ago. I’m proud of my accomplishments in my short time here, as well as the career in manufacturing that I’m building. I can’t wait to see where my career takes me next”.