MECSPE: benchmark for the upgrade of businesses in technological field


For the 2023-edition, the special initiatives dedicated to digitalization will not miss, being an asset on which the exhibition course develops, together with training and sustainability.

With a 3.2% GDP, according to the Government’s last estimates and the most recent data about the industry’s turnover, grown in July in trends terms by +16.3% (Istat), the manufacturing confirms to be the Country’s driving engine, despite the difficulties caused by inflation and energy cost rise that the Italian entrepreneurial fabric is compelled to face in these months. A sector that can rely, to pursue the digital transformation target, on NRRP funds (13.4 billion Euros) intended for the Transition 4.0. MISE has in fact already given access, in the course of 2022, to tax credits aimed at boosting private investments in favour of innovation.
What are the results? According to MECSPE, the most important exhibition in Italy focused on manufacturing and technological innovation organized by Senaf, scheduled from 29th  to 31st  March 2023 at BolognaFiere, which has interviewed some sector associations, the results of incentives are positive, since numerous companies have already benefitted from them.
In the opinion of Roberta Piccinini, President of CNA – the Italian Confederation of Craft Trades and Small- and Medium-Sized Enterprises: “The small enterprises that are member of CNA in the mechanical sector have benefitted from the provision to a large extent. The investments made have concerned, in most cases, more performing and interconnected machines, robots and software for business integrated management. We believe it is undoubtedly a very important measure to allow our companies to equip themselves and to make the necessary technological leap to remain competitive on international markets. I also believe it would be opportune to make it structural and not to decrease the aid percentage, as unfortunately it is foreseen for next years”.
In the opinion of Federico Boin, National President of Confartigianato Meccanica: “The incentive we are talking about is fruit of the evolution in time of other forms of concessions known with the name of ‘hyper-amortization’. If the latter – when it was introduced – has essentially aroused the industry’s interest, its natural evolution into what is currently called tax credit for the transition 4.0, has been and is used by a very high number of even ‘micro’ enterprises. Having streamlined the bureaucratic course for the achievement of the tax credit, we can state that the concession is presently known also by activities that – by definition – mainly provide for the use of hands, such as for instance hairdressers and building firms. In fact, the lasers to execute treatments, the cranes and the mechanical arms equipped with particularly sophisticated and innovative digital components make the credit enjoyable also for craft categories, that is to say not only committed to mass productions. Next year, the disappearance of the conventional incentives for the purchase of capital goods (in other words, maxi or super amortization, then transformed into tax credit, too) is leading enterprises to consider with even higher attention the 40% tax credit for the investments according to 4.0. Certainly, there are some possible improvement areas, for instance concerning the extension of the tax credit for the staff’s training about the use of these new technologies also for future years, or the enhancement of the so called ‘Nuova Sabatini’ in combination with the tax credit we are talking about”.
The same line is shared by Leonardo Iezzi, Executive Manager of Apindustria Brescia: “The data we own highlight the measure has been diffusely used. The incentive in force is of certain interest for the companies but it is anyway worth pointing out that the maintenance of the percentages currently existing would be fundamental, also for next year”.
In the opinion of Maruska Sabato, Project Manager of MECSPE, “MECSPE is the reference pole for the update of competences and the integration of the latest innovations into companies. Concerning this, our goal is precisely favouring the dialogue among all industry players with the eyes cast on the future of our industrial fabric. The last measures provided by the Government have boosted this process, already in course since the introduction of Industry 4.0 funds, which thanks to NRRP are still available for entrepreneurs”.
Therefore, the innovation issue is a priority challenge for enterprises for the growth and to look at the future with optimism. Besides, it is one of the goals pursued by MECSPE, which, also in the 21st edition, will take care of favouring enterprises’ meeting and technological development, with a programme that is increasingly rich in thorough analyses and special initiatives dedicated to digitalization, training and sustainability, the three fundamental assets for the growth according to 4.0.
As proven by the data by MECSPE Observatory, 42% of companies have made investments in digital field, demonstrating to grow notably in this issue after the pandemic: it is +15% compared to the same 2021 period. When we speak of digital investments, on what do enterprises stake? They have mainly addressed cybersecurity (43%), followed by collaborative robotics (26%) and cloud computing (25%).
Moreover, simultaneously with MECSPE METEF will take place, the international expo dedicated to the aluminium supply chain, a central field for the industrial production in sustainable manner. Finally, in 2023 MECSPE will double the meeting and it will be held also in Bari from 23rd  to 25th  November with “Focus Mediterraneo” at Nuova Fiera del Levante, an edition dedicated to the development of technologies 4.0 and a proposal increasingly focused on sustainability and innovation of manufacturing processes.

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