Trumpf is global partner of the “CODE_n” innovation platform

Courtesy Trumpf.
Courtesy Trumpf.
Courtesy Trumpf.

For the second year in a row, Trumpf, specialist in machine tool and laser technology, will be partner of the global “CODE_n” innovation platform. In particular, this year for the first time the company will be global partner. “CODE_n” provides new companies with a platform they can use to showcase their digital business models, connect with established partners from industry, science and research, and team together to develop new ideas. As the digitalization of the workplace continues, collaborating with start-ups has assumed a central role for Trumpf. «The success of Industry 4.0 relies on multiple partners working together; “CODE_n” is our chance to exchange ideas with other companies and start-ups and work together to shape the future of photonics – explained Berthold Schmidt, Head of Corporate R&D at Trumpf -. Last year’s event with us as strategic partner was such a success that this year we wanted to be a global partner and take on an even more prominent role». The company is primarily focusing on the start-ups concentrating on Photonics 4.0. «We want to work with the “CODE_n” participants to find out how light, for instance, might transform our work and social environments in the future. Or how it could enable optical sensors that provide data for machine analysis», added Schmidt. Other areas of interest for the company include solutions and innovative business ideas for augmented reality and metal 3D printing.