Italians and laundry: in the last 3 years, 70% have revolutionised their habits


Discerning, responsible and more concerned about consumption than the design of household appliances: this is the portrait of Italians that emerges from The Truth About Laundry (2023 edition), a comprehensive study of washing habits carried out by Electrolux Group. The results reveal a significant and positive evolution, showing a virtuous country that has been able to save over 320,000 tonnes of CO2 by revolutionising its domestic behaviour. Nearly 12 million households in Italy now do laundry at 30°C. Indeed, this year’s survey focuses on saving resources and, in particular, reducing energy consumption: 88% of those interviewed say they think more about the consumption of their household appliances and 94% are committed to reducing it. But that is not all: 40% of respondents have started to wash more often at night, while 39% have lowered the washing temperature. 36% have limited the number of washes and washed more often with a full load, while 31% have used the eco-mode.
Unlike the inhabitants of other European countries, Italians are reluctant to adopt certain habits: in order to prolong the life of their clothes, only 18% wear them longer between washes and, unfortunately, almost no one (5%) understands the potential of steam to refresh clothes and avoid a full cycle. The reason for this mistrust lies in deep-rooted fears, such as not getting clean laundry (30%), stain-free laundry (28%), germs (27%) or odours (22%). However, these “false myths” are disproved by those who have tried washing at 30°C, 45% of whom are satisfied with the results. However, the energy crisis could be the catalyst for further change: 49% and 35% of respondents respectively would wash at lower temperatures if it meant reducing consumption or saving money.
Another surprising finding from the survey is the new criterion that Italians use when buying large household appliances: instead of design, which is important to only 6% of respondents, they now look at energy efficiency, which is important to 66%. This is followed by price (55%) and technological performance (36%).