Gianluigi Viscardi was confirmed as CFI president


Gianluigi Viscardi, founder and president of Cosberg company, was confirmed president of the Italian Technology Cluster “Intelligent Factories” (CFI) for the second time in a row. CFI is the association that brings together manufacturing companies, universities and research centres to support the Italian industrial competitiveness in the markets. During his first term, Viscardi strongly contributed to the CFI’s visibility, representing the association in numerous national and international events. The latest event was the participation in a mission in China, promoted by the Ministry of University and Research to show the Cluster’s best practices to the Chinese interlocutors, and other appointments are already planned for the coming months with European and extra-European institutional interlocutors. “In the sign of continuity – commented Gianluigi Viscardi – it will be crucial to accelerate the implementation of the Industria 4.0 plan to make our manufacturing companies more innovative and strong on the international markets, with a particular attention to the small and medium enterprises, widely represented in our association. In this direction, it will certainly be important to continue participating in national and international meetings to share the best practices in use also in other countries”. In addition to being president of CFI and Cosberg, Viscardi is also president of the Digital Innovation Hub of Lombardy and a member of the Board of Directors in the Digital Innovation Hub of Calabria and Umbria.