Bosch, in collaboration with the chef Rosanna Marziale, has launched in Italy a challenge called #IoNonSpreco (I don’t waste) on the “Zero Waste” theme to experience cooking in a more sustainable way. The challenge is the ideal continuation of the #IoNonSpreco column created in spring 2020. During the weeks of the lockdown, chef Marziale had created recipes in her kitchen with Bosch appliances using leftover food and showing how to create tasty and healthy dishes with zero waste. The videos, broadcast on the Bosch Facebook page and then also on the brand’s Instagram profile, can be of inspiration for the people, invited now to create their own anti-waste recipes. Until November 15th it is possible to take part in the first challenge, preparing recipes with only the ingredients present in the refrigerator or with the leftovers from the day before. From November 16h to December 6th the second challenge will begin, called “Transform the ingredient“, with the creation of recipes based on only two ingredients: flour and water, the perfect base for a simple dough to combine with ingredients such as proteins, vegetables and cheese. Participants in the challenges will publish the photos of the dishes on the Bosch website, where a gallery with all the recipes in the competition will be created. Chef Rosanna Marziale will choose the winners who will be awarded during a live event on the social media and will cook the three finalist recipes in dialogue with those who created them. The winners will be rewarded with Bosch products and all participants in the challenge will receive a selection of seeds to create their own home garden.