Burners and solidarity


1 peruThe Ospitaletto company, always attentive in matching economic growth and ethical commitment, took part in a new charity initiative promoted by the association 7milamiglialontano to support the activity of seven ONG.

A thrilling tour around the world to narrate the alimentary habits of the planet precisely in the year of Expo, event that has made the environmental and energy sustainability one of the most debated issues on a national and world scale. This, in short, is the project of the cultural association 7milamiglialontano (7MML), which has organized a travel in seven stages through four continents, involving photographers, journalists and video makers who were asked to document, with professionalism and artistic sensitivity, different peoples’ food habits, cultural and environmental differences. This journey in stages has given birth to a book (“Around the world 2014-2015”), which collects images, travel stories and backstage videos, whose proceeds will support the activity of seven humanitarian associations, including Emergency and Cesvi. A project of such relevance called anyway for the commitment of many: among them also Sabaf, which has taken part in the initiative as sponsor.

The photographic book was officially presented in the course of an event held at the conference room of Cascina Triulza at Expo. Nicola Belpietro, executive sales director of Sabaf, attended the presentation and illustrated the reasons that have led the Brescia company to join the project. “The mission of Sabaf – explained the manager – consists in granting a sustainable development through the balancing of economic-financial requirements with those connected with the social and environmental dimension, coupling economic choices and results with ethical values. For this reason, when they proposed us the sponsoring of the 7MML project, we immediately went into raptures and we are proud of having collaborated side by side with them. This travel was not an end in itself, but it was aimed at raising consciences’ awareness of environment protection and of alimentary sustainability, featuring, at the same time, a strong solidarity character. In a historical time marked out by wars and conflicts, these images show how it can be easy to communicate one another and to diffuse a cooperation message. In the Expo year, the food theme seems us the best opportunity to link our brand with an initiative that fully shares our mission and the values on which it is based”. The choices accomplished by Sabaf for ethics and sustainability are numerous and the company has always operated with the awareness that each entrepreneurial reality is responsible for the territory where it acts, even if the latter exceeds the national borders. “We are present in Italy, Brazil, Turkey and China – commented Belpietro -: therefore we are a small multinational. Multinationals, however, are made of people and each company of the Group operates on a specific territory: it is like a small family that is part of a big family. Actually, the responsibility of a multination is not different from that of a national company, it is on a more extended scale only”.