Sabaf continues to grow


Sabaf Group‘s positive trend continues in 2017 according to the consolidated results presented at the shareholders’ meeting. Sales revenue totaled 150.2 million euro, up 14.7% from 131 million in 2016. In 2017, EBITDA was 31 million euro, up 22%, and represented 20.6% of sales (25.4 million euro in 2016, equal to 19.4% of sales). EBIT totaled 18.1 million euro, equal to 12.1% of sales (12.5 million euro in 2016, equal to 9.5% of sales, +44.9%) and consolidated net profit was 14.8 million euro, equal to 9.9% of sales (9 million euro in 2016, 6.9% of sales, +64.9%). At 31 December 2017, net financial debt was 25.5 million euro and shareholders’ equity was 115.1 million euro. In 2017, Parent Company Sabaf S.p.A. registered sales revenue of 115.7 million euro, up 14% from 101.5 million euro in 2016. EBITDA was 17.5 million euro, up 29.2% from 13.5 million in 2016; EBIT was 8.1 million euro, up 97.8% from 4.1 million euro in the previous year and net profit was 8 million euro, up 225.2% from 2.5 million in 2016. Besides, the shareholders’ meeting appointed the Board of Directors, composed of 9 members, for the three-year period from 2018 to 2020. The directors Giuseppe Saleri, Pietro Iotti, Gianluca Beschi, Renato Camodeca and Nicla Picchi, elected from the majority list presented by Giuseppe Saleri S.a.p.A., and Alessandro Potestà, elected from the list presented by Quaestio Capital SGR S.p.A., were confirmed. Daniela Toscani and Stefania Triva, elected from the list presented by Giuseppe Saleri S.a.p.A, and Claudio Bulgarelli, elected from the list presented by Fintel S.r.l., joined the Board.