ILVA Glass: inner doors for pyrolytic ovens made with ELECTA borosilicate glass


The main application of ILVA GlassELECTA borosilicate glass in the household appliance sector is the inner door of pyrolytic oven. «The pyrolysis process – the company explains – allows the carbonization of all fat residues present in the oven cavity generated during the cooking, and is obtained by bringing the temperature inside the cavity up to 500 °C and maintaining it for cycles of 1.5-2.5 hours. To the glass component is therefore required to withstand these temperature conditions and maintain its properties over time». In detail, 60 cm and 90 cm oven doors are obtained from borosilicate sheets (e.g. for the US market or for the professional cooking sector), and the glass can be transparent or be subjected to screen printing. «The process of screen printing on borosilicate glass is particularly complex – the company adds – and has been defined by ILVA Glass during the development of the product over the last 10 years. As well as the heat treatment process of the finished component, which gives particular characteristics of resistance to temperature and mechanical shocks».