The innovation of wiring components completes an innovative management of the company’s in-house logistic, which starts from the stocking up of raw materials and reaches finished products.
Technological product innovation, automated machining process and optimized logistic management of the warehouse. Three are the trump cards of Eurocablaggi, company relying on over forty-year expertise in the production of connectors, moulded plugs and sockets, finished cables and cable glands, to enhance its competitiveness on international markets and to improve its industrial performances. The quality of the finished component is the thread wire of the machining process, based on the use of automated machines that allow the constant control in each manufacturing phase until the final testing. The constant enlargement of the range of offered products, implemented according to customers’ technical specifications, satisfies the requirements of international markets that range from Europe (United Kingdom included) to Australia, passing through Argentina, up to North America. On a global complex scenario, the difference will be more and more made by the capability of fulfilling supplies in short terms without overproduction: hence the deep warehouse upgrading according to the Kanban technique, an operational approach based on the Lean Production that allows efficaciously managing the information inside the company to optimize the control of orders, of the manufacturing process and of logistic.

«Eurocablaggi can boast almost half century of activity and is present in various strategic markets on a global scale with its own fidelized customers, to which we offer support and products customized according to requirements – explains Arianna Magon, owner of Eurocablaggi -.Our ranking in Europe, Argentine and Australia has been consolidated for a long time, but in this phase we are exploring further new markets like the United States one, at which we look with the implementation of specific products. Precisely in a context like the present one, in constant evolution, with uncertainty margins but also interesting opportunities, we try seizing the latter by widening the range of our products and meanwhile giving more complete answers to the market’s demands in general. Our strategies include also the unceasing investment to adapt products to the regulations in force in the various international ambits and to their constant reviews, for the improvement of safety and quality standards».

On what product typologies is a higher requirement by your markets and reference customers visible?
Currently, for Eurocablaggi the most sensitive demand for products concerns power cords with plug and finishes customized according to customers’ needs. Not fortuitously, in recent years we have made investments aimed at the enlargement of the offer of our products in the range precisely to meet market’s and customers’ requests, which are more and more diversified if we consider that we are dealing with a global market. We can make three significant examples of recently manufactured plugs that well illustrate this work.
For the British market, we have implemented the angled bipolar UK plug article 20, while the European one is addressed by Schuko European bipolar plug article 7/A with double earthing contact for the 3G2.5 cable section. Concerning the United States market, we have launched the UL plug model article 21, conforming to North American safety requisites. We are also studying some additional investments to further widen our range of plugs and, consequently, our presence on new markets.

To meet the new manufacturing requirements, how is your machining process changing and what are, in particular, the advantages provided by the digitalization?
Along the years, Eurocablaggi has introduced several new machines inside its manufacturing lines, in the wake of Industry 4.0 standards that are centred on digitalization. Due to the opportunities offered by these technologies, the new machining technologies allow us a constant production monitoring, with a consequent higher attention to the various machining phases. A course that results in higher quality and safety of the finished product. Furthermore, this new productive organization allows us a better manufacturing rationalization of the so called “idle times”, since this permits to eliminate a vast number of machine, tool or equipment changeovers. It is also worth highlighting how this approach of productive upgrade connected with the use of innovative technologies goes hand in hand with the whole of strategies that the company fully deploys, starting from those directly linked with sustainability and ecoefficiency. We can for instance point out the recent implementation of a new photovoltaic plant made in the ambit of our manufacturing headquarters at Villa Estense, in Padua area, constantly monitored in terms of production and consumptions, which with a lower carbon dioxide emission into the atmosphere will enable us to limit the particularly strong rises of energy costs, as well as to assure autonomy and independence of our industrial activity versus conventional supplies and fossil energy sources. An intervention that results in less pollution, in comparison with other areas in the world that, in a downward competitive vision, afford very low prices but with remarkable environmental impacts.

From the product to logistic. Working in an international scenario, how have you organized the warehouse management?
The change in the product demand notably affects the modalities of supply management, which are less and less programmed and often need responses within particularly strict delivery terms. For this reason, we have decided implementing an efficient warehouse management that can give fast answers to sudden demands, in a more general situation characterized, also, by the more and more difficult provisioning of materials in recent years. The new warehouse management exploits the potentialities offered by the Kanban approach that makes the daily work efficient and flexible avoiding, for instance, the risk of overproduction, and allows us to give a further boost to our company’s competitiveness on global markets.