CWIEME gathers the coil winding market in Shanghai


On 3rd March 2014, CWIEME will take place in Shanghai and welcome over 2,000 buyers and senior decision makers from the electro-magnetic, insulation materials, coil, electric motor and transformer manufacturing industries. Event that will attract both Chinese and international visitors, CWIEME Shanghai will provide opportunities for industry professionals to meet with over 120 suppliers and discover the latest developments. With Chinese industrial output valued at over €1.48 trillion in 2012 and the manufacture of electrical machinery and equipment claiming the second largest segment, CWIEME Shanghai 2004 will be an important event for exhibitors and visitors. “With rapid growth forecast in the cable industry, the national economy set to increase by 7% per annum between now and 2017 and the Government planning a major upgrade of its energy infrastructure – said CWIEME Portfolio Director Haf Cennydd – CWIEME Shanghai 2014 promises to be particularly significant”. Besides, CWIEME Shanghai will feature Spotlight Seminar Sessions themed around “The demand for greater efficiency and performance in Electrical Manufacturing”. CWIEME Shanghai 2014 also has the support of CCPITECC, China’s official body for the promotion of international trade within the region.