Sales of semiconductors: present and next future of the global market


semiconductor“Softening demand and lingering macroeconomic challenges continued to limit global semiconductor sales in November. Despite these headwinds, the industry may narrowly surpass total annual sales from 2014 and is projected to post modest sales increases in 2016 and beyond”. With these words John Neuffer, president and CEO of SIA (Semiconductor Industry Association), has commented the global sales of semiconductors in November 2015 and the forecast for the next future. According to SIA, worldwide sales reached $28.9 billion for the month of November 2015, 0.3 percent lower than the previous month’s total of $29.0 billion and 3 percent down from the November 2014 total of $29.8 billion. Regionally, month-to-month sales increased in China (1%), Europe (1%) and the Americas (0.3%), but decreased in Japan (-0.6%), and Asia Pacific/All Other (-2.4%). Compared to November 2014, sales were up in China (5.3%), but down in Asia Pacific/All Other (-4.1%), the Americas (-7.1%), Europe (-8%), and Japan (-8.6%).