A handbook on the recovery of raw materials from WEEE


A new volume appears on the already rich catalogue of manuals dedicated to technology in the Tecniche Nuove offer. This time a book dedicated to an important topic: Il recupero di materie prime dai RAEE. Gli scarti elettronici come valore aggiunto (The recovery of raw materials from WEEE. Electronic waste as added value).

The book was officially presented by the author on 7 March at the MECSPE exhibition in Bologna.


A volume conceived with a view to the circular economy and the scientific recovery of WEEE
The manual, part of the “Tecnologie Industriali” series, aims to be a point of reference for understanding the industrial reality and the benefits deriving from the recovery of WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment).
From the production of electronic boards it goes back to the extraction of the main minerals, focusing on where they are used and how to recover them at the end of the product’s life.
The development of the book deals with the classification of WEEE, processes and machinery for recovery, the main metals present in electronic devices, organisations involved in recovery and relevant regulations.
Far from the demagogy that paints everything green, WEEE is certainly a new business path, but also a constructive activity within the so-called circular economy, which therefore contributes to the mitigation of environmental impact.

The author of the book “The recovery of raw materials from WEEE. Electronic waste as added value” is Dario Gozzi, an expert in the electronics sector, who has collaborated since 1995 as technical editor with PCB Magazine, with articles and columns often related to the volume we present here. During his long technical-journalistic experience, he originally gained valuable skills in process control and digital graphics, and has been involved – since the early 1990s – in production and testing in the electronic assembly sector. He is currently one of the leading experts in the electronics manufacturing sector in Italy.
In addition to the technical editorship of PCB Magazine, Dario Gozzi currently also collaborates continuously with the magazines Selezione di Elettronica and HA Factory, both published by the Gruppo editoriale Tecniche Nuove.