New “Bosch AI Campus” in Germany’s Cyber Valley


Bosch plans to ramp up its activities in the emerging technology of artificial intelligence: in Tübingen, in Germany’s Cyber Valley, the company intends to invest some 35 million euros in the new “Bosch AI Campus.” Bosch is currently in talks with the city of Tübingen to negotiate the purchase of a roughly 12,000 square-meter plot on which to build the campus. The move into the new research complex is planned for the end of 2022. Roughly 700 experts will work on applied AI there. “Bosch aims to be among the global leaders in industrial AI research – said Bosch CDO/CTO Michael Bolle -. The new Bosch AI Campus will bring us a step closer to achieving this goal”. The Bosch AI Campus in Tübingen will be situated close to the research facilities of the Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems and the University of Tübingen’s AI research building. Besides laboratories and offices, the campus will offer spaces in which startups and external AI research groups can take up temporary residence. Freely accessible areas on the first floor of the campus will serve to foster exchange among Cyber Valley experts. Other parts of the facility will also be open to the public.