CECED celebrates 60 years of activity


On March 7th in Brussels CECED celebrates its 60th anniversary, an important milestone that witnesses the commitment and the evolution of the household appliance industry.“Leading an association with 60 years of history for me is an honour and a tremendous challenge – commented Paolo Falcioni, CECED Director General -. Representing an innovative, sustainable and forward-looking industry while keeping in mind that coffee machines, fridges, washing machines, air conditioners and all other home appliances serve Europeans daily, has been a key driver for our work. Citizens have witnessed great technological evolution, and this is also why I would agree with the South Korean economist, Ha-Joon Chang who said that the washing machine has been a more important invention than the Internet. Undoubtedly, the association would not be what it is today if we were not sitting on the shoulder of giants. The fine mix between the knowledge of our members and a competent, motivated team has proved to be a working formula for success”.