Award for research and development to ebm-papst


For its research and development work, the ebm-papst company received the “Innovative through Research” seal of approval from the Donors’ Association for the Promotion of Sciences and Humanities in Germany (Stifterverband für die Deutsche Wissenschaft) for the fourth time in a row. The award, which is valid for two years, honors companies “that show a special commitment to research and development”, as the association states. “Research and development are the heart of a technology leader – commented Stephan Arnold, Group Managing Director for Research & Development and Purchasing of the ebm-papst Group -. We are delighted to be once again be honored with this award. We see this as an incentive to further advance worldwide innovation through research and development at ebm-papst”. To expand its technological leadership and bring innovations to the market, the ebm-papst Group invests millions in research and development every year. Under “GreenIntelligence“, the company is already marketing intelligently networkable solutions. These are characterized by maximum energy efficiency and the advantages of digital networking. Besides, with its “think tank” in Dortmund, ebm-papst has further expanded its research activities in the area of digitalization and the development of new business models. In addition, ebm-papst cooperates with numerous universities and research institutes, such as the Heilbronn University of Applied Sciences and the University of Stuttgart.