Series production in a few days


Thanks to the use of aluminum molds, thermoplastic materials and the liquid silicone rubber, Proto Labs is able to ensure at a competitive cost, and the production of prototypes, and the production of series of 25 to 10,000 and more pieces overprinted, also in less than 15 days. Providing 3 overmoulding3D CAD files – the substrate of the template file, the model of the molded part and the final part – you can get the pieces overprinted quickly; Proto Labs designers develop models of molds taking into consideration the partition lines, the points of injection of the materials and the extraction points; so you get the models necessary for the production of the component in all its complexity which, once approved by the client, are sent in the form of paths to workshop CNC machine tools for mold production. Production of the mold which occurs within Proto Labs same: the numerical control machines thread milling the piece of aluminum, so as to obtain the shape of the desired molds. An operator intervenes on the surface of the molds according to the type and degree of finish required by the customer; passed the testing, the equipment is ready for production in series: is injected into the mold the material that composes the substrate and subsequently, the second material is injected so as to obtain the coupled component, exactly as designed.