Productivity acknowledgement


GIORGIO ROSSI E STEFANO PARMEGIANIFaber has awarded the excellence of Berbentina factory, productive premises at Sassoferrato, which won for the fourth consecutive time the yearly prize “Quality Continuous Improvement Award”, initiative established ten years ago with the aim of accepting the challenge of an increasingly global and competitive market. Attention to the product quality, minimum waste margins during production phases, excellent performances in terms of efficiency and optimization of machining steps are the determinant factors that have allowed the Sassoferrato factory to win this important award and to beat Argentina, Sweden and Turkey, the other international realities belonging to the Group that have anyway scored excellent results. The employees of Berbentina factory at Sassoferrato, supervised by Giorgio Rossi, factory Manager, have received the trophy, symbol of the initiative, by Stefano Parmegiani, Manager of Operations Business Unit Hoods.