Positive signs for the household appliance French market


gifamAccording to the data released by GIFAM (French association of household appliances manufacturers), 2015 was a positive year for the household appliance industry in France. Major domestic appliances were up in value by 3.7%, with sales of 2.637 billion euro, compared to 2.554 billion in 2014. Besides, the trend has changed because 2014 had recorded sales in value down by 0.4% compared to 2013. The cooling sector had the largest growth (+7.1%), followed by the washing sector (+3.2%) and the cooking sector (+1.5%). Considering the shares, the washing sector stood on a share of 42%, the cooking sector 31% and the cooling segment 27%.
Small domestic appliances continued to grow, reaching +6.5% in 2015 compared to 2014 (1.292 billion euro in 2015 vs. 1.164 billion in 2014). In 2014, the growth was +4.3% compared to 2013. In particular, some small appliances recorded a strong growth: the appliances for food preparation (+17.4%), the equipment for the home care (+7,6%) and the appliances for personal care (+4.3%). Looking at the shares, the breakfast appliances had the greatest weight (22%), followed by the products for food preparation (18%), the home care appliances (17%) and the small appliances for personal care (15%). The ironing sector had a share of 10%, while the small appliances for cooking 6%.