A challenger semester for the Italian components suppliers


As communicated by Fiorella Cometti, Components group leader at Confindustria Ceced Italia, the first half of 2016 did not respond to the expectations of the Italian components sector. The economic and political instability in important areas for the household appliances export has caused a decline in demand, particularly in Russia, North Africa, South America and, in part, also the Middle East. The destination markets diversification of the major domestic appliances production allowed some producers to keep the volumes, but in general it was felt a downturn already “in the air” during the last quarter of 2015. The domestic market experienced a slight recovery. Thelogo-CECED-ITALIA-per-sito components industry – important for the technological innovation – has been able to answer positively to the needs of the finished product industry in terms of energy labeling and eco-design. Among all the difficulties, the components sector – which is witnessing a strong concentration – looks at the internationalization in a more focused way, trying positions in markets where demand is still strong and where it is expected a better performance and more stable economy. In 2015 and in early 2016, the components suppliers had to deal with the issue of the industrial concentration in the appliance sector. The challenge has become increasingly important and complex. As highlighted by Ceced Italia, factors such as company size, correct localizations, investments in automation, speed and flexibility in adapting to the situations become more crucial than ever. In a very turbulent landscape, which has accelerated the pace and requires high performances, the companies have to search new productivity in order to avoid a constant erosion of the profitability. There is more and more a lack of visibility that makes difficult to plan investments and projects in the medium term.
This year there is also an important commitment to meet the safety requirements and performances required by the new LVD (Low Voltage Directive), EMC (Electro-Magnetic Compatibility) and RED (Radio Equipment Directive), which led to rethink some technologies, implemented both in the R&D phase and in the production phase. Besides, the sector is always in motion and the companies are fully aware that, only thanks to the technological development, the current and future challenges will be overcome. Therefore, the finished product industry must seize this important opportunity: to support and see in the components manufacturer not only a supplier, but an important global partner to develop efficient and competitive products.

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