New services for safety and electromagnetic compatibility


Piano di cottura a gasPianocotturaTÜV Rheinland Italia has presented the new services dedicated to the Gas, Electromagnetic Compatibility and Telecommunications Sectors and the widening of the testing laboratory of the Italian site. Concerning gas, the new laboratory of TÜV Rheinland Italia executes tests on gas appliances and related devices in conformity with the relative regulations and the 2009/142/EC Directive. The directive provides for the compliance with the essential safety requisites for the gas appliances used for cooking, heating, the production of hot water, and safety, control and regulation devices. The laboratory, which will be soon acknowledged in order to become Certified Body, will execute also the efficiency tests on boilers in compliance with the related EEC 92/42 and 93/68 Directives. Concerning instead the electromagnetic compatibility, mandatory requisite for the marketing of electrical/electronic products, the goal of the new laboratory of TÜV Rheinland Italia consists in executing tests on electric and electronic devices to assess that they conform to an adequate level of electromagnetic compatibility and to allow achieving the EC marking for these devices, indicating their conformity and permitting to export them in all the Countries of the European Union. Besides the Gas and Electromagnetic Compatibility sector and R&TTE, TÜV Rheinland Italia carries out tests in medical, electrical, mechanical, chemical, environmental and standardization ambit. The products on which tests are carried out are the following: photovoltaic plants, medical devices, household appliances, furniture, car accessories, toys, food packages, etc. Besides,  TÜV Rheinland Italia carries out conformity tests with the main standards and international directives, releasing conformity marks that allow the access to foreign markets.

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