ATOP: machines for the production of universal electric motors


Universal motors are the first electric motors where ATOP has created its technological know-how. The machines for the production of universal electric motors present the following pluses: rotor winding (programmable wire stratification with flyer winding technology for high slot fill and accurate coil wire positioning); high speed flyer winding to reach maximum productivity; universal stator winding with high speed needle technology; fully programmable termination system to carry out complex universal stator coil interpolations and wire-lead cuts in short time and limited space, without waste of wire; high speed and precision insulator formation and placement; multi-station machines to increase productivity and reduce operating space; quick change-over tooling to optimize production changeover times; and advanced process management system for traceability of processes and materials. “From the beginning – the company explains – we accomplished tailored and innovative solutions to meet all quality and production requirements”.