Elettrotecnica Rold wins the Mario Unnia Award


Elettrotecnica Rold, Italian components manufacturer for white goods, was protagonist at the second edition of the “Mario Unnia – Talento & Impresa” Award. The prize is promoted by BDO Italia in collaboration with ELITE-Borsa Italiana, with the contribution of Banca Profilo, Ersel and Quaeryon and the support of ANDAF, Copernico, Di.Sea.De. and GIDP. Born in 2017, the award aims to highlight the companies that make the “talent” their vision and create value for the territory. This second edition has collected nominations from 11 different Italian regions. Elettrotecnica Rold was born as a family company and then it was able to combine the reliability of this type of reality with the introduction of high-level management criteria and technologies. The Rold Group today has four production units in Italy and a commercial office based in Shanghai. For the company, the staff training and the search for new talent (in close collaboration with the best universities in the territory) are very important. Moreover, the company has recently created R-Lab, an applied research laboratory, also in collaboration with the Polytechnic of Milan, which designs and develops solutions to be implemented in the production of innovative products and systems in Advanced Mechatronics, HMI Applications & Devices, VR/AR Applications, Advanced Materials, Knowledge Sharing. Besides, 8-10% of turnover is reinvested annually in R&D and in automation projects for the processes optimization.