Polti’s three professional lines for steam cleaning


Polti‘s professional range includes three product lines: Polti Sani System (dedicated to the disinfection of all surfaces and fabrics in the work environments), Polti Cimex Eradicator (patented devices for the elimination of bed bugs) and Polti Vaporetto MV (steam cleaners with vacuum function). These devices are recognized as SDD (Steam Disinfection Devices) according to AFNOR NF T72-110, a regulation that defines a standard for verifying the disinfectant effectiveness of steam generators.

Polti Sani System Check

The products of the Polti Sani System line can count on the patented “Superheated chamber” technology: the device generates saturated, dry and superheated steam up to 180°C which comes out in the form of a cloud to envelop and extensively treat all surfaces. This technology is also applied to the Polti Cimex Eradicator and Polti Cimex Eradicator Plus products and is effective against the problem of bed bugs. As regards to Polti Vaporetto MV, all the devices in this line are multifunction cleaners that combine vacuum and steam cleaning and can treat, in addition to floors, also other surfaces, including fabrics.