Energy saving: focus on kettles, toasters and hair dryers


toastersThe EU Commission is working at the preparation of the Ecodesign Working Plan 2015-2017 and appliances like toasters, electric kettles, hand and hair dryers, not currently covered by ecodesign legislation, are under consideration. Ceced recently expressed its comments about this study. In particular, the European Committee of Domestic Equipment Manufacturers explains that “for most appliances covered (and regulated) by the Ecodesign Directive today, energy consumption in the use phase is by far the overriding environmental aspect highlighted by the preparatory studies. We question whether the focus on material efficiency parameters is justified at this stage. The draft study shows at many points that there is a lack of data, methodology and standards. We believe that any future action on material efficiency must be based on solid evaluations demonstrating significant cost effective potential for improvement without entailing excessive costs from a life cycle perspective. For requirements to be effectively measured, the methodologies must be based on a recognised standard, preferably established at international level following the international standardisation process. We question the methodology of the study as the report often bases its conclusions on non-representative data and hasty conclusions are drawn. We believe that the energy savings potential for many products has been overestimated. In many cases data from a particular member state has been extrapolated to the whole European market. Very different scenarios are likely to exist across the diverse European markets due to the local climate, population, habits and purchasing power”. At this link it’s possible to read the full position paper of Ceced: click here.