The household appliance of the future


HA_NL_CECEDThe household appliance of the future as protagonist of the house of the future, in its turn essential element of the city of the future. The meeting promoted by Ceced and Imq and held last June 17th in Milan was aimed at outlining the smart appliance issue, through speeches of sector players and case histories. The discussion was centred on several subjects: the sharing of a unitary standard for all producing companies, the consequent desirable inter-changeability among various appliances and the need of suiting users and “comforting” them about being at their service, without requiring efforts of adaptation to their needs. Among the attending people, Emiliano Pastore from Whirlpool for Ceced, Marci De Angelis from Imq, Davide Gomba from Officine Arduino, Fabio Luigi Bellifemine from Energy@Home, Ernesto Santini from HomeLab, Fabrizio Valpreda from Turin Polytechnics, Roberto Moriondo, from Digital Agency for Italy.